When you go to the doctor and get a prescription, you may choose to leave a few in a pill container in your work bag or purse. However, if you are stopped and there is no prescription attached to the container housing your pills, the expiration date on the bottle has passed, or the name on the bottle is not yours, you can face serious criminal charges. Unfortunately, many are unaware of what can happen if they have drugs without a valid prescription. As such, you’ll want to keep reading to familiarize yourself with these matters and discover why it’s in your best interest to contact a Cobb County drug possession lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your circumstances.
Can I Face Criminal Charges for Having Drugs Without a Valid Prescription?
When you are found with controlled substances on your person, you must have a valid prescription to accompany them. This informs the police that you are in legal possession of these drugs for medical purposes. If you do not have a valid prescription, you can ace criminal charges for possession of a controlled substance.
It’s important to understand that the consequences you can face will vary depending on the elements involved in your case. For example, the schedule of drugs and the amount in your possession will influence whether or not you face a felony charge. The schedule is the class of controlled substance, ranging from I to V. A Schedule I drug has no current accepted medical use within the United States due to the likelihood these substances will be abused, whereas a Schedule V drug has limited potential for abuse and some accepted medical uses.
As such, if you are charged with a misdemeanor possession, you can face a minimum of one to three years in prison, while a felony can result in up to thirty years, depending on the substance and amount in your possession.
What Else Should I Know?
Unfortunately, many people use pill boxes or smaller containers to house their pills, as the original containers can be bulky. However, in Georiga, it is illegal to carry your pills in a container other than the original vessel given to you by the pharmacist. While some people carry written prescriptions to help avoid confusion in the event they are stopped by the police, it is in your best interest to leave your pills in their original container.
Additionally, you may find that if you are carrying a prescription for a relative, you can face criminal charges. This is because you are not the person to whom the prescription is written.
If you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony drug possession charge, it’s imperative to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Unfortunately, people assume they can explain the circumstances to the police, who will be understanding. This is far from the truth, and anything you say can be held against you.
When facing the potential for jail time and a stain on your permanent record, it’s critical to connect with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. At the Miller Law Practice, our dedicated legal team will do everything possible to help you receive the justice you deserve. Reach out today if you or a loved one are in legal trouble to learn how we will fight for you.