To learn more about the alternatives to incarceration in Georgia, continue reading and give our skilled Cobb County criminal defense lawyer.

1. Probation
Probation authorizes defendants to get out of jail or prison but under specific rules and requirements. For instance, former inmates must regularly check in with a probation officer or supervisor. Furthermore, alcohol and/or drug addicts will likely have to attend rehab sessions on a continuing basis. While on probation, defendants’ activities and movements will also be restricted. For example, they may not be allowed to acquire a driver’s license, purchase a gun, or leave the state. The rules and conditions greatly differ from one case type to another.

2. House Arrest
The first two options for incarceration are relatively similar. House arrest permits defendants to leave jail or prison, but they must serve their sentence within the confines of their home. Basically, authorities will place an ankle bracelet on a felon in order to track their movement and ensure that they don’t leave the house. Also, defendants must pay their fines and follow certain rules. For instance, the court may restrict them from consuming alcohol or purchasing a firearm. When an inmate breaks any of these guidelines, the authorities will re-arrest the violator and send them back to jail or prison.

Just like probation, a house arrest is typically an option for first-time and nonviolent criminals. However, serious offenders could serve a portion of their sentence under house arrest when they demonstrate good behavior in prison. At times, courts might allow felons to leave their residence in order to go to school or work, obtain medical treatment, and check in with a rehab supervisor or probationary officer.

3. Community Service
This alternative to incarceration entails committing a certain amount of hours to non-paid work. Generally, community service activities are related to the kind of crime that a felon committed. For example, a worker at a school’s cafeteria stole food from the kitchen and money from the cashier. They may have to clean school buildings or help food banks hand out items to the needy, to name a couple of instances. Community service can be a condition alongside other options for incarceration. Essentially, the courts generally require felons that are released on probation to satisfy a certain amount of community service hours. If they don’t, the judge will withdraw their probation and send the defendant back to jail or prison.

If a former inmate is sentenced to community service (as opposed to incarceration), they must commit a certain number of work hours. The felon could split them up into weekly or monthly increments (such as working twenty hours per week). If a criminal doesn’t honor this obligation, the court may count it as a probation violation. Also, some judges will need current prisoners to satisfy community service obligations. Typically, this allows them to earn credits that would count towards an early release.

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